In an ideal world, where you ca be anyone you wish, where money weren’t a factor and you would do anything you want, would you still do what you’re doing now? If you could choose, would you still be the person you are today?
Pain is inevitable, however it offers us a queue jump ticket to the growth we actually need. Happiness is great, yet for every achievement a certain discomfort is required. If things were all well all the time nobody would’ve move, make a difference or accomplish anything else. It is not necessary to wait for the extreme pain to force you to take a different road ahead, but it is necessary to decide to make the change.
And so, if you’re truly being honest with yourself, could you say you are being the most authentic representation of yourself right now? Do you spent your time working just to pay the bills or dedicating your time on something you care deeply about that you would do even if you weren’t paid for it?
It’s uncomfortable to go against the commodity, yet more painful on the long run if you haven’t. Life goes by and what we do affects us. Big shifts are easy to see but all of them are result of a small steps. Drop after drop. Step after step. Only at the end we can connect the dots and see the whole picture.
Are you doing something today that will help you get where you want to to keep you staying in the familiar reality?