Your body - so uniquely created, magnificently intelligent, with senses that you need no explanation to, but just required to follow.
We often see our body as a regular object that serve us biologically and die. We focus more on ageing of the skin and shape of the muscles, than on the abilities to feel, regenerate itself and even guide us.
But our bodies a re more than what we can see and created for more than to use our sensations in a regular manner.
Are you aware of your inner wisdom? Have you experienced “strange” situations, dreams, thoughts or voices that have proven to you there’s something more than what we see?
Surely you have the feeling of a Deja Vu. Or when you think about somebody and they call you shortly. Or when somebody is untrue with you and despite their assurance of the oposite, you have this knowing deep down that later reveal the real truth.
Your body is here not only to serve you and help you live an amazing life, but to guide you to follow your deepest desires. It’s here with you, for you and you only - your personal assistant of the Universe who happens to be your best outfit too.
Pay attention. Keep a journal. Don’t ignore that quiet inner voice. It’s all aligned and here for you. You just carefully listen…