All these reels and aim for perfection make me tired. What about some impulsive behind the scenes look where all that happened was a real moment captured in time?
Moments never repeat despite often forcing ourselves in repeating the memory of it so through the emotions that come in we can re-live it. Why? Isn’t it now the best moment? Or the one always leading to a better one?
We’re so conditioned in this human form. It’s fun and incredibly interesting, but we get so trapped, serving the material, longing for the freedom of our spirit, enjoying the ride but also excited to finally be “there”.
Where is that “there”? Who is with you? How does it feel? Does it have an aroma? Is it bright? What are you up to?
Many questions, many feelings, many desires and all you have to do is trust - do what lights you up and trust the universal order.
But what if you’re impatient? What if you live a double life - one with eyes open and one when they close? Have you felt like a foreigner in your own life and body?
My thought goes on and on… I keep writhing everywhere, observing everything, learning how to do life, love, art. Constantly upgrading even if I fall two steps behind.
I know you can relate, we’re not different. We’re the same ingredients mixed in different recipes. What are you making today?
Talking Body Image and Nude Art Photography with Dr. Rali Georg
I’m so honoured to be invited to the podcast The Soul Filler by Dr. Rali Gerog where we talk about self-love, body image and art photography.
It was a lovely summer day and I welcomed her in my studio in Poblenou. Here is the full interview - it’s packed with truth, art and real life examples.
Let me know if anything has resonated with you.
The Love you constantly give out is not going to fill you in
How many times have you given all of your love to anyone else but yourself? How often do you fool yourself that if you show how deep and carrying your love is same will come back to you and fill you? Which person you usually put first - your child, your spouse, your family, etc. ?
Don’t get me wrong - giving love is the best you can do. And for sure the love and kindness you give out will come back to you in some way, share or form. But what you’re looking for outside of yourself will never complete you, will never make you feel the way you’re longing so desperately at times to feel.
There are different kinds of love, although the core feeling is the same. What we miss to acknowledge many times in our lives, especially when we’re young or unexperienced, is that the love we want is only possible to be received from someone or something outside of us. The love that we want has never been and will never be anywhere else but inside of our own Self.
The true ability to love and care about others is first reflected on the ability to love yourself. The way you treat yourself is crucial. We tent to give more than we actually have, emptying our own cup completely dry, giving to those we love from desperation and lack rather than abundance and fulfilment. What happens then? - we need up with a burn out, illness, relationship collapse and satisfaction. We say we did everything for them, we did everything they wanted, but what did we do for ourselves, what did you did for you?
How many times you neglected your own needs to please someone else, even if it’s your own child, to then receive unappreciation that made you feel even emptier? It’s hard to say no and ignore the needs of your loved ones, but you cannot give what you don’t have already. If you try to, and we all have done it, you do both party a disservice - you end up lacking value for them and drying out inside. A so called ‘act of love’ turns into a demonstration of toxic trades, patterns and behaviours.
Even on the plane they say “put your own oxygen mask first” - you can’t help outers if you don’t take care of yourself First. This is not a selfish act, but a necessity. It’s not something to be ashamed about, rather the contrary - showing act of self care is the way to teach your children and loved ones the importance and benefits of self-care, value and potential there is in the act.
So next time you feel tired, want to spent time with yourself, have a desire to nurture yourself in any way - do it! Do it for you, for your inner child and that will reflect on your current relationships. Your children will be happier to spent time with self-fulfiller parent, who let them drink from their overflowing cup.
You deserve it by birth right.
You Body, Your Guide
Your body - so uniquely created, magnificently intelligent, with senses that you need no explanation to, but just required to follow.
We often see our body as a regular object that serve us biologically and die. We focus more on ageing of the skin and shape of the muscles, than on the abilities to feel, regenerate itself and even guide us.
But our bodies a re more than what we can see and created for more than to use our sensations in a regular manner.
Are you aware of your inner wisdom? Have you experienced “strange” situations, dreams, thoughts or voices that have proven to you there’s something more than what we see?
Surely you have the feeling of a Deja Vu. Or when you think about somebody and they call you shortly. Or when somebody is untrue with you and despite their assurance of the oposite, you have this knowing deep down that later reveal the real truth.
Your body is here not only to serve you and help you live an amazing life, but to guide you to follow your deepest desires. It’s here with you, for you and you only - your personal assistant of the Universe who happens to be your best outfit too.
Pay attention. Keep a journal. Don’t ignore that quiet inner voice. It’s all aligned and here for you. You just carefully listen…
When you don't know where to go, where do you go?
Deep questions always appear when you’re going through a challenging time, in the middle of breakthrough or just before a big life shift happen.
We’re all been there at some point or another - on the bathroom floor begging the Higher Consciousness for help just to go through this current circumstances. Life has the whole spectrum of colours and this includes the darkest shares too. We don’t know when and how things will change and how dark will be before the next sunset. They say it’s the darkest and often we want to give up just there and then. But if we hold on… if we just hold on for a little while more…
I feel like I’ve been walking on thin ice for the past 5 years. Sometimes is more stable than others but still don’t feel a solid ground. Can you relate to the feeling or to the period?
Giving up is not an option although is very well and often considered. You can’t do it, because you’ll never know what’s on the other side. You’’ never ding out what you’re capable of. You’ll never see how far you can go.
It is very possible than the sunrise is closer than you think.
Just hand in there.