Still amazes me how Life has navigated me to here. Working on subjects I used to feel uncomfortable with - being around women, speaking my mind, using my body and skin as a light torch in service for helping others like me, like the girl that needed it back there.
“Who am I and what I am supposed to actually do?” are questions regularly passing my mind. “But if not this, then what?!”, a voice replies and encourages me to make just another step forward…
It’s like we pass diferent stages in our life - the pure, authentic soul that come in, to get lost in the externally molded persona supposed to fit in, to get back to that authenticity as the only sane way to live and to be.
Currently reading, observing and feeling a lot about women. Can you tell? About me as part of them. About them as subject of investigation and inspiration. About us as the creative, nurturing force through which that little thing called Life happens.
We’re not talking enough real talks if we’re in such state of constantly seeking it. Thirsty to sense it, hungry to be it. We ignore universal laws, ways of functioning, of being, reasons why things are the way they are.
Our creativity has the capacity to bring to physical form the yet unseen, however the laws of Life, of the purpose of duality will never change. The essential, the core remains. Swimming against the tide is pointless. What you are, who you are, why you’re here is what matters. Rest is societal dust.