Can you answer me this question truthfully?
Do you love yourself when you remove the clothes, the accessories, all the labels and pamper sessions you have done? Do you love yourself when it’s hard to love yourself? When you see your own mistakes, when you acknowledge all the pain you’ve caused, when all you want to do is hide from the world and even from yourself?
Do you love yourself when you’re not the best vision of you, when you’re in lack or down the negative spiral of thoughts? Do you love yourself when you’re blamed, shamed, taken for granted?
It’s easy to love yourself when things are going well, when you fell on top of the world, when you’re so happy and fulfilled that you forget how it feels to suffer. It’s easy to say to others “love yourself for who you are, for what you do, for what you’ve been through”, but do you feel the love when you say it to yourself?
Do you love yourself when you know you have to level up for your own good, when you know you can’t stay in the mud anymore? Do you love yourself when you go to bed alone for endless night in a roll, wondering why you’re not in a loving relationship or what you did wrong to all those who broke up with you blaming you?
Do you love yourself when you see how different you are from everybody you grew up with, from all the people you know your whole life - the family, the friends, all of them who are supposed to understand you the best and supports you in everything you do?
Do you love yourself when you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel? Do you love yourself when your outside world feels complete but you feel emptier than even? Do you lovingly help yourself go through the darkness?
Loving yourself is not only about the pampering, belongings or being proud of yourself when things are going well. Truly loving yourself means doing it when the coin has flips the other way around.