Literally nothing but your excitement. Everything else is adjustable.
People often stress too much when they’re about to be photographed. The experience of somebody in your personal space hiding behind a machine that takes high resolutions photographs on witch you can see all the details you dislike about your body is definitely something that can bring quiet a it of stress in your everyday life.
But things are not that scary. The professionals know all of your thoughts and concerns about a photography session - they have been there themselves and they have a constant reminder of it by their clients.
The truth is that no-one is looking at your flaws because we all have them. A good professional is there to capture your essence, to give you the desired result despite the concerns they know you have. The idea is to enjoy the process, to celebrate yourself in this moment in time accompanied with your Self or your loved ones.
Native Americans used to believe that by taking a photographs of them you take a piece of their Soul too. I find this a little scary but also romantic. And perhaps its a correct description about the process. Part of you is captured, frozen in this moment in time. Not particularly in a bad way though. Photograph if you is a memory, a legacy, a reminder that you were here, you experienced life in your own unique way and you celebrated this moment in all of its glory.
So next time you have this inner desire of having beautiful photographs of yourself, quiet down the ego voice telling you you’re not perfect enough, and let your Soul make the appointment. Go and celebrate You - the person you are, the life you live and work you do in this world.
Life is too short to be afraid of things we passionately want to do.
Let your Light shine bright!