And so it happened…
Something that I didn’t expected so soon - I got invited to an open discussion on the subject matter I care most about - loving and accepting the body. For even bigger surprise to me was the fact that it was in my native Bulgarian language.
The invitation came form Barcelona Networking Brunch - a group of inspiring women, who aim to connect and help other women in their business, wellbeing and personal growth. They are Bulgarians based in Barcelona from different backgrounds and personal stories.
I met them during the last networking vent in February and they invited me to share my experience and personal story during their organised event last Sunday.
Honoured to be invited to share what brought me here, I was also pleased to see that each and every of them connected with the subject matter. It is clear - we, as women, are very harsh and judgemental to our own bodies, and more often than not, spent years in hating and dishonouring it. The body that gives us everything - Life.
Maybe it’s the human condition that doesn’t allow us to see clearly at times. Yes, bodies are different and that’s normal. In fact that’s the main point of it - we’re all unique human beings, that share similarities. We all have our own path to go through, our own lessons to learn. For me learning to accept and love my body more was one of them. Years spent in hate and disgust, in wishing it is different, in hiring it in various forms, so blind to see how magnificent the body is and how, despite my rage, it is still taking care of me, loving me, helping me in any situations I need.
As women, we have constantly fighting with our bodies, in our bodies, and with people commenting on our bodies. Bodies that are, as they are. With different shapes, sizes, colors. Bodies alive, changing throughout our whole live. Bodies made to bear fruit. Bodies that change under the influence of thoughts and emotions. Bodies, strong and resilient and at the same time dying in seconds. Bodies that grow old and will die. Bodies, the art of nature that serves our soul to live in this life, in this form, in this dimension. Bodies that have the ability to guide us in our choices. Bodies that can heal themselves.
And these same bodies, we dare to offend as appallingly as no one else could.
Some respect please :)
Като жени водим постоянни борби с телата си, в телата си и с хора, коментиращи телата ни. Тела, които са, каквито са. С различни форми, размери, цветове. Тела, живи, променящи се през целия ни живот. Тела, създадени да раждат плодове. Тела, които се променят под въздествието на мисли и емоции. Тела, силни и устойчиви и в същото време умиращи за секунди. Тела, които остаряват и ще умрат. Тела, изкуство на природата, което служи на душата ни да живее в този живот, в тази форма, в това измерение. Тела, които имат възможности да ни насочват в изборите ни. Тела, които могат да се самолекуват.
И тези същите тела, ние смеем да обиждаме толкова ужасяващо, както никой друг не би могъл.
Малко уважение, моля :)
Here is the full video from the event. Only in Bulgarian for now, but I promise soon there will be on win English.
Many thanks to everyone who came and shared their personal experiences. I will never forget this day!