Portraiture of the Self

Portraiture of the Self is an ongoing photography collection of Fine Art nude series of expressed emotions. It focuses inwards - on the mind-body connection and the acceptance of the body. An art therapy through stills and captured movement.

From my rooting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity.
— Edvard Munch

Hourglass, 2020

Echydna Punctata, 2020

Frog, 2020



Golden Scars

2023/2024, 1/?

Scars I made myself.
Scars they did to me.
Scars I received to learn.

Then I glued it all with gold.
Gently, patiently, by myself.
One piece at a time.

Skin healed.
Mind remembers.
Golden scars remain.

A project that has been awaiting to see the light of the day for over a year. Inspired by Kintsugi, the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery.
With the soulful assistance and incredible body art work by Nuria Recasens ( @nuriarecasens_art ).






Play Me a Song




* * *


Valentine’s Day, 2024

We experience life through our bodily sensations, through the desires of the ego and the essence of the soul. Our bodies release, absorb and store information that comes from feelings in our human experience. They have different zones throughout that helps us function, some more saturated and intense that others.

As animals, our sexual instinct is one of our main driving forces. It helps us reproduce, moreover when acknowledged and used with awareness in a spiritual way, could take us to a higher level in our consciousness. A place where we can connect and become again one with the divine.

This series portrays some of the main zones in the body that light up the fire within. An intimate dance, a combination between light and form, enhanced by the colour that brings most attention to our brain.

Cuídate, 2024

Cuídate. Cuídate aquí. Siempre. Conmigo.
Cuídate cuando nadie pueda cuidar de ti.
Cuídate cuando te atiendan.
Cuídate cuando sea difícil cuidarte.
Cuídate de todos modos.
Con amor. Para siempre. Para ti.



The Soul Within


Circle in a Square




La Rosa de Jordi 🌹

April, 2023

‘La Rosa de Jordi’ is a photo series, inspired by the euphoria during the annual celebration of Saint Jordi’s Day in Barcelona.
The rose, as a symbol of appreciation, given with kindness and love, can transform into a magical wand, that brings out deeply rooted feelings.
Up in a tower full of light, through the scent she transforms…



In-between Shadows

February, 2021

Breath In

Breath Out

Hold on tight

Haunted Obsession

November, 2020

Let’s talk about acceptance. The acceptance of the body we currently live in. Accepting what it is and what it is not. Accepting its differences and similarities with others. Looking at it as an ever changing living organism, rather than a fixed image of perfection.

There is something that hits me every time i hear it (usually from a yoga practitioner) - “if you live in an inflexible/flexible body”, or “if your body doesn’t feel as open today” or “the body you live in”. Like it’s something outside of us. so if it is outside, what is us? Us is all - mind, body and spirit, I know you know it, but do you do accept it? Do you live your life having this in mind?

Usually we’re associated by others firstly with our bodies. It’s like what they see as physical appearance is what we actually are. Body image beliefs and comments often affects us deeper than we think. Beliefs, that we were told are “right” or took for granted can become hidden (or not) traumas in our subconscious. Traumas, that more often than not come from people we love or care about, comments in childhood or highly saturated experiences. Traumas that affect and/or dictate the value we put on ourselves, based on the physical appearance of our own bodies. How crazy is this?! And yet so real…

We can mentally bully ourselves for years, and years, for something we were told we are not or boxes we were told we need to tick. The feelings we carry about our bodies can develop into dis-eases and even kill is. And it’s all because at some level we don’t accept the fact that we’re born in a body we didn’t choose, with features we didn’t arrange, but with a life contract to live IN it for an average of 73 years.

Then tell me this isn’t a crazy game we’re assigned to play!
I’m writing this and my point isn’t to preach. But rather to understand this even more, because a stubborn part of me is still refusing to accept. Here’s where I can see photography can come in - an art therapy from the Self to the Self. A visual diary of accepting the current home.



Photo series, inspired by the protests in Bulgaria in 2020, fighting for justice against the corrupted and dysfunctional government. The images are not political statement, but rather an emotional response from a citizen, a woman and a creator.

Twisted paths occur. Which one to follow?
Lose your Ego or your Soul?


Clear Vision

Living Safely

Freedom of Speach

Choose Your Side



Painted III


Close Up


Two voices speak inside,
daily fighting for superiority
the left one pulls the right one down
always tries to proof it’s better.

Only one there is is right
yet quieter, steady
much deeper, liberating.
Always carries the hope,
never let us drawn in pain,
only if we listen.

Worst enemy and best of friends
both living inside of us.
Choice is given to beholder -
live a nurtured life or
die slowly in regret.

Miss the Sea, 2020

Ego, March 2020

Painted I


Untitled Black Chair, 2020

Lately I’ve been thinking about the importance of seeing ourselves naked. It’s a weird thing to think about at first, I know. But honestly think about it - we rely on other people (usually) to tell us about our body uniquenesses or make us feel good in the company of our won bodies, like it is something wrong to feel comfortable in your own skin. IN YOUR OWN SKIN. Like the rest of the animals…

Once I’ve heard something in the lines of. the best shape and size id the one you feel happy to see yourself naked. So if you don’t see yourself naked, how would you know how you’re doing? And when the results do appear to congratulate yourself. Do you know your won body well enough?

January the 9th


Still Life Series








The Thinker


December, 2019



Covered myself to cover up opinions.
Cheated on my desires for acceptance.
Only to realise my selfishness is what I’ve been needing.

I’ve changed, I’ve moved, I’ve surrendered.
Closed doors to get closer.
Sat quietly in the noice to listen.
Monochromic souls tried to teach me colours.
But they can’t see their blindness.

Woman Black&White


Често си мисля, какво струва на една жена да живее в днешно време. Колко кутийки трябва да “тикне”, за да се впише; с какво трябва да се пребори по пътя? Какво ли детство е имала, какви партньори, кариеристка ли е или предпочита да бъде домакиня? С какво би се примирила и до кога? Имаща определен от природата период от време, в който е най-добре да зачене. (А зачатието е най-голямата й супер-сила).

Жената е борец. Изумява ме способността й да се бори с “по-силния пол”, с обществото, с общоналожени “норми” и приети религиозни правила. А тя е майка, създателка, Богиня, тя е живот. Търпи и прощава. Тя е доказано малко по-превъзхождащата половина от цялото, а е преследвана, горяна, унижавана, обезчестявана и упреквана. Обсъждана и критикувана за женствеността, желанията и уменията си. Изнасилвана, пребивана, заключвана, обезобразявана физически и емоционално. Защо? Затова, че е жена с принципи, ценности, мечти, умения и страст? Или защото е грешна, порочна, вещица?

Жената и мъжът не са равни и никога няма да бъдат. Различни са, за да се допълват. Енергии, създаващи цяло, а не унищожаващи се. За баланс, а не надмощие.
